
About me [CV]

I am a Ph.D. candidate at GAP Lab, advised by Prof. Xiaoguang Han, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) . Prior to this, I completed my M.Sc. at the University of California, Irvine and my B.Eng. at Xidian University. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to work at CVMI Lab under the guidance of Prof. Xiaojuan Qi and at SIAT-MMLab under the supervision of Prof. Yu Qiao .

My research is centered around developing intelligent algorithms and creating diverse data to comprehend and model the 3D world. Currently, I am keenly interested in label-efficient learning, open-world recognition and data generation.


  • [03/2024] One paper is accepted to CVPR2024. Paper and code are available.
  • [11/2023] I was recognized as one of the NeurIPS2023 Top Reviewers.
  • [05/2023] I was named one of the CVPR2023 Outstanding Reviewers.
  • [03/2023] Three papers are accepted to CVPR2023. Papers, dataset, and codes are all available.
  • [07/2022] One paper is accepted to ECCV2022 for Oral Presentation (2.7%). Paper and dataset are available.
  • [03/2021] One paper is accepted to CVPR2021. Paper and code are available.
  • [12/2020] One paper is accepted to AAAI2021. Paper and code are available.


(* indicates equal contribution, denotes project lead, means corresponding author)

SAMPro3D: Locating SAM Prompts in 3D for Zero-Shot Scene Segmentation

Mutian Xu, Xingyilang Yin, Lingteng Qiu, Yang Liu, Xin Tong, Xiaoguang Han (arXiv preprint, 2023) [project][paper][code]

Free-ATM: Exploring Unsupervised Learning on Diffusion-Generated Images with Free Attention Masks

David Junhao Zhang, Mutian Xu, Chuhui Xue, Wenqing Zhang, Xiaoguang Han, Song Bai, Mike Zheng Shou(arXiv preprint, 2023) [paper]

RichDreamer: A Generalizable Normal-Depth Diffusion Model for Detail Richness in Text-to-3D

Lingteng Qiu*, Guanying Chen*, Xiaodong Gu*, Qi Zuo, Mutian Xu, Yushuang Wu, Weihao Yuan, Zilong Dong, Liefeng Bo, Xiaoguang Han (CVPR, 2024) [project][paper][code]

MVImgNet: A Large-scale Dataset of Multi-view Images

Xianggang Yu*, Mutian Xu*,†, Yidan Zhang*, Haolin Liu*, Chongjie Ye*, Yushuang Wu, Zizheng Yan, Chenming Zhu, Zhangyang Xiong, Tianyou Liang, Guanying Chen, Shuguang Cui, Xiaoguang Han. (CVPR, 2023) [project][paper][code]

MM-3DScene: 3D Scene Understanding by Customizing Masked Modeling with Informative-Preserved Reconstruction and Self-Distilled Consistency

Mingye Xu*, Mutian Xu*, Tong He, Wanli Ouyang, Yali Wang, Xiaoguang Han, Yu Qiao. (CVPR, 2023) [project][paper][code]

REC-MV: REconstructing 3D Dynamic Cloth from Monucular Videos

Lingteng Qiu*, Guanying Chen*, Jiapeng Zhou, Mutian Xu, Junle Wang, Xiaoguang Han. (CVPR, 2023) [project][paper][code]

TO-Scene: A Large-scale Dataset for Understanding 3D Tabletop Scenes

Mutian Xu*, Pei Chen*, Haolin Liu, Xiaoguang Han. (ECCV, 2022, Oral Presentation) [paper][code]

PAConv: Position Adaptive Convolution with Dynamic Kernel Assembling on Point Clouds

Mutian Xu*, Runyu Ding*, Hengshuang Zhao, Xiaojuan Qi. (CVPR, 2021) [paper][code]

Learning Geometry-Disentangled Representation for Complementary Understanding of 3D Object Point Cloud

Mutian Xu*, David Junhao Zhang*, Zhipeng Zhou, Mingye Xu, Xiaojuan Qi, Yu Qiao. (AAAI, 2021, BEST performance on OmniObject 3D robust perception) [paper][code]


Activites & Certificates

Top Reviewer, NeurIPS 2023
Outstanding Reviewer, CVPR 2023
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award of CUHKSZ, 2022
Journal Reviewer: TIP, IJCV, TVCG, NEUCOM, TMM, MVAP
Conference Reviewer: CVPR 23/24, ICCV 21/23, ECCV 24, ICLR 24, ICML 24, NeurIPS 23, IJCAI 24, WACV 24
GRE: 325/340, 2017
TOFEL: 104/120, 2017


"我要这paper有何用 ? ( Why Do I Need Papers ? )", Valse Webinar 2024
Outstanding Student Forum of Valse 2023
Outstanding Student Forum of China 3DV 2023
Youth PhD Talk - ECCV 2022, invited by AI-TIME


CUHKSZ-CSC1001: Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Methodology
CUHKSZ-CSC1002: Computational Laboratory
CUHKSZ-CSC3002: Introduction to Computer Science: Programming Paradigms


3rd place of the 31st School Singer Contest, Xidian University
Piano Professional Certificate Level 10